15 January 2019 – Brexit Update – Brexit deal voted down!
Today, the UK’s House of Commons voted on Mrs. May’s Brexit deal. As widely expected, the Brexit deal was voted down. Although it’s still unclear what’ll happen next, the voting down of the deal requires that Mrs. May come back to the House of Commons with an alternative motion by next Monday, opening a door
Belgian tax reform – Recap of corporate income tax measures applicable from 1 January 2019
A new year typically entails new tax measures. Below you will find a brief overview of some important Belgian corporate income tax measures that have entered into force, or are expected to enter into force, in 2019 (as part of the second phase of the Belgian tax reform). For a detailed overview of the measures,
Foreign real estate funds eligible for Dutch FBI tax exemption
On 23 November 2018, the Lower Court in Breda, the Netherlands, decided that a German Open-Ended Public Fund (represented by PwC) was entitled to the FBI regime providing, among others, for a 0% Corporate Income Tax (CIT) rate on Dutch source real estate income. The Court also ruled that the portfolio investment test (one of
Upcoming due date for electronic filing of BEPS 13 related documents: extended to 28 February 2019
With our newsflash of 12 November 2018 we drew your attention to the upcoming deadline for electronic filing of BEPS 13 related documents. The form 275 MF (and potentially the Master file) in relation to the financial year ended 31 December 2017 and the notification of the Country-by-Country reporting obligations in relation to the financial
New Royal Decree published on legal constructions in EEA falling in the scope of the Cayman Tax
Cayman Tax The so-called ‘Cayman Tax’, introduced as from 1 January 2015, is a taxation regime in the Belgian income tax code that introduces a tax transparency of certain legal constructions that have been set up by Belgian private individual tax residents. The income of certain qualifying entities will be taxed directly in the hands
Upcoming due date for electronic filing of BEPS 13 related documents: 31 December 2018
All BEPS 13 related documents will, in principle, have to be filed electronically via the MyMinfinPro-website of the Belgian tax authorities (without exceptions). What? A Belgian entity of a multinational group exceeding at least one of the following Belgian GAAP based criteria (during the financial year preceding the financial year most recently closed) needs to
DAC6 – EC’s feedback on the questions raised by Member States
On 24 September 2018, EU Member States dedicated the entire meeting of the European Commission (EC)’s Working Party IV to seeking more clarity from the EC concerning the interpretation of Council Directive 2018/822/EU of 25 May 2018 amending Directive 2011/16/EU as regards mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation in relation to
Belgium launches pilot program on cooperative tax compliance
The Large Enterprises Division of the Belgian tax administration (“LE Division”) announced the launch of a two-year pilot project on cooperative tax compliance (Cooperative Tax Compliance Program – “CTCP”). The program is aimed at transforming the traditional approach of ex-post tax investigations towards a system of proactive, real-time and constructive dialogue on the tax affairs of corporates.