Tax Bites Podcast: Proposed implementation of the minimum tax in the EU and the unshell proposal
On 22 December, the European Commission issued 2 proposals. One proposal deals with the introduction of the global minimum tax in the EU by 2023. The EU proposal deviates from the OECD proposal on a number of topics. Find out how the proposal will look like in this Tax Bites episode with Jean-Philippe van West and
Santa Claus has brought us a new tax framework for ELTIF investment funds to boost our Belgian economy !
Some good news on the tax and economic fronts. Belgium is getting equipped with the appropriate investment vehicle for its long-term financing needs in private-public infrastructure, SMEs, digitalisation, greening of the economy, social projects, etc. The draft law on various tax provisions currently before the parliament proposes to extend the tax regime of Belgian regulated
Tax Bites Podcast: The Global Minimum tax for MNE’s
On 20 December, the OECD published its proposal for a global minimum tax. All MNCs in scope of the minimum tax will be subject to a taxation of at least 15% in each country where they are active. In this podcast, the publication of the OECD is discussed and the reflections on the impact of
Rebuild sustainable european economies post-covid: European Long-Term Investment Funds v.2 in the making
On 25 November, the European Commission published a proposal amending Regulation (EU) 2015/760 on European long-term investment funds (ELTIF). It is published together with a series of documents, including an Impact Assessment Report. Context of the proposal The ELTIF regulatory framework was adopted in 2015 and created a new investment fund vehicle intended to facilitate
Belgian Minister of Finance confirms intention to mandate B2B e-invoicing
In his policy note, the Belgian Minister of Finance, Mr Van Peteghem, confirmed the intention to gradually make electronic invoicing mandatory for businesses-to-business (B2B) transactions. The measure is aimed at reducing the Belgian VAT gap, which is the difference between the expected VAT revenues and the VAT revenues that are effectively collected. For the year
Tax Bites Podcast: How can taxpayer’s fundamental rights bring balance to the ever increasing powers of the tax authorities in the EU?
Tax transparency is the new normal. An ever increasing amount of EU legislation is passed under the banner of the fight against tax fraud. The scope of the legal instruments that allow for mutual assistance between tax authorities are constantly extended. This trend poses a huge challenge for businesses that are coping with tax officials
Tax Bites Podcast: Update on China Tax Policy
Recorded before the release of the 8 October Inclusive Framework Statement, we share perspectives on the current state of play for in- and outbound investments in China. Our speakers cover the main corporate income tax aspects, as well as insights on the China tax policy developments, including the main attributes that shape a sustainable tax
The 2022 Belgian budget round
On the 29th October, the council of ministers agreed on the draft program law outlining the 2022 Belgian budget measures. On 9 November at 16.00, PwC Belgium will organise a webinar where our experts will reflect on this set of measures and the impact this may have for businesses in Belgium. If you are interested,