Is your company ready for the upcoming compliance deadline?

Accounting and Tax Compliance

13 June 2024

Tax Bites Podcast – What’s going on at the UN? The draft Terms of Reference for negotiating a Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation

In this episode, we share our first impressions on the ‘Zero Draft’ Terms of Reference (ToR) for a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation released by the United Nations (UN) on 7 June 2024. Furthermore, we provide a brief overview of other important international and European tax developments. Tune in to get our first take on

3 June 2024

Belgian Tax Authorities publish additional (and much welcomed) guidelines in view of the Co-Operative Tax Compliance Programme and details on what they consider to be a “mature” Tax Control Framework (TCF)?

Flashback to 2018 – What is the CTCP?  With its launch in 2018 and with the ultimate goal of (i) achieving faster legal certainty for companies and (ii) improving compliance with tax obligations, the Belgian Co-operative Tax Compliance Programme (CTCP) introduced a mindshift, from a reactive tax audit modus to a collaborative, proactive approach based