Latest news & developments
Significant changes expected to the Belgian investment deduction regime
As previously announced (see also our newsflash of 10 October 2023), the Belgian Federal Government reached an agreement on the federal budget in the first half of October 2023. One of the important tax measures resulting from this budget agreement relates to specific changes to the Belgian investment deduction regime, a measure to support the
Tax Bites Podcast – Future-proofing your statutory reporting function (Part 4)
Future-proofing your statutory reporting function: downstream impact on tax technology including Pillar 2 In this episode of our mini-series, the discussion delves into the concept of tax ledgers within ERP systems. Hosted by Pieter Deré, experts Jorgen Broothaers, Oualid Madrane, and Bert Vergote explore the reasons for considering tax ledgers, their benefits, and their relevance in
A Milestone for EU’s Energy Transition: The Revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) Published in the EU OJ
Last week marked a milestone moment for the EU advancing its climate change agenda, as the revised Renewable Energy Directive, known as RED III, was formally published in the EU’s Official Journal (1). The Directive is part of the Fit for 55 package of legislative proposals, of the EU policy strategy to reduce net greenhouse
Tax Bites Podcast – Pillar One, Amount A of the Two-Pillar project: the next steps.
In this episode of the Tax Bites Series, following the publication of the draft Multilateral Convention on Amount A and related documents on 11 October 2023, the speakers give an overview of the current state of play of Amount A. They discuss how Amount A may impact your organiSation and how to prepare for it
Navigating DAC 7 in Belgium: Comprehensive FAQ document published by Belgian tax authorities for digital platforms
Navigating DAC 7 in Belgium: Comprehensive FAQ document published by Belgian tax authorities for digital platforms The Belgian tax authorities have just released a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document aimed at clarifying the requirements and procedures for compliance with the DAC 7 reporting obligation. DAC 7 In March 2021 the Council of the European
Clarification on CBAM Reporting Requirements
CBAM (Important Update): Clarification on Reporting Requirements On 20 October 2023, the Federation of Belgian enterprises (VBO/FEB) hosted a CBAM information session with the participation of the European Commission (DG TAXUD) and two Federal Public Services (FOD/SPF), Finances and Public Health. During the session, PwC raised an important question regarding the definition of the Reporting
CrossRoads 2023-2029: Encouraging cross-border collaborations
CrossRoads supports and stimulates cross-border collaborations around promising innovations across the Flemish-Dutch border, which contribute to the realisation of social transition priorities: sustainable entrepreneurship, sustainable energy, industry 4.0, and health. Collaborative Innovation at its best CrossRoads is part of the European Interreg Flanders-Netherlands programme. This programme is dedicated to fostering sustainable cross-border collaboration between small
Incentives newsletter – October 2023
As we close the summer season, the PwC Incentives Hub has been diligently monitoring the incentives landscape. We offer you following insightful overview of incentive topics that may be relevant for your company. Water4all In the last few years, Europe has been experiencing the consequences of climate change, including extreme weather conditions such