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22 December 2021

New expat regime in Belgium – update

We refer to our previous newsflash of 3 December 2021 in which we informed you that the Belgian government formally filed draft legislation in federal parliament regarding among others the changes to the Belgian expat tax regime (on 1 December 2021). In the meantime, the draft legislation has been discussed for the first time in

22 December 2021

Santa Claus has brought us a new tax framework for ELTIF investment funds to boost our Belgian economy !

Some good news on the tax and economic fronts. Belgium is getting equipped with the appropriate investment vehicle for its long-term financing needs in private-public infrastructure, SMEs, digitalisation, greening of the economy, social projects, etc. The draft law on various tax provisions currently before the parliament proposes to extend the tax regime of Belgian regulated

21 December 2021

Tax Bites Podcast: The Global Minimum tax for MNE’s

On 20 December, the OECD published its proposal for a global minimum tax. All MNCs in scope of the minimum tax will be subject to a taxation of at least 15% in each country where they are active. In this podcast, the publication of the OECD is discussed and the reflections on the impact of

20 December 2021

December 20 OECD/G20 Pillar 2 GloBE Model rules

A ten minutes tour of: The introduction of a global minimum taxation of 15% Some salient new points, such as inclusion of deferred taxes to calculate jurisdictional ETR The importance of modeling to understand the impact The ambitious timeline for implementation  Earlier today, the OECD published the long awaited Global Anti-Base Erosion Model Rules (Pillar

16 December 2021

New 2022 calls for the SME Growth Subsidy

What is the SME Growth subsidy? With the SME growth subsidy, the Flemish government supports SMEs seeking to embark, or continue their strategic growth trajectory. The growth subsidy covers strategic advice from an external service provider or the recruitment of a strategic profile that will help SMEs in their growth. The applicant’s growthpath must be

14 December 2021

Benefit in kind – Private use of a company car: updated formula for 2022

The Royal Decree implementing the new reference CO2 emission for calculating the taxable benefit in kind for the private use of a company car in the hands of company directors and employees has been published in the Official Gazette on 13 December 2021. For income year 2022, the following CO2 emission will be applied to