Possible important amendments to the stock option legislation and the introduction of a specific tax regime for free shares
A government proposal regarding new legislation with respect to stock options and stock plans was announced in the Belgian press last week. Below you can find a short overview of the proposed changes with some initial high-level reflections. It is however important to note that no texts are currently available and that it is currently
Tax reform night- and shift labor wage withholding tax incentive
On March 24, the Belgian parliament voted new legislation introducing a number of changes with respect to the night – and shift labor wage withholding tax incentive (and some changes to the other wage withholding tax incentives). Below we list the most important changes (The amendments will apply to remuneration paid or awarded as from
New solidarity tax on security accounts?
Although the text is still in an early draft phase and still needs to be approved by the council of ministers, it was made public in the press that the idea of the new security tax seems to be a tax on the ownership of security accounts. The text of the pre-proposal is not yet
Update – New upcoming tax measures – Program Act enacted
In our Newsflash of 7 November 2016 we already made reference to new upcoming tax measures. Certain of these anticipated changes have now been introduced by the Program Act of 25 December 2016, which was published in the Official Gazette on 29 December 2016. From a personal income tax perspective, the above Program Act introduces
Company cars, internal capital gains, withholding tax, … What are the new tax measures for the year end?
Last October, the Federal Government reached an agreement on the budget and, in this framework, on several tax measures. The most important ones relate to the taxation of company cars and the end of the tax-free step-up in the case of a contribution in capital of shares by an individual (commonly referred to as “internal
Draft law on the new Belgian Innovation Income Deduction
Today, the Council of Ministers approved the new Belgian Innovation Income Deduction (IID) which will be BEPS-compliant and will replace the abolished Patent Income Deduction. The draft law is now subject to recommendations from the Council of State. The important takeaways of the IID are: The taxable result of a Belgian company or branch will
Transfer Pricing Documentation – Forms and guidance published
Today, the Royal Decrees that contain the various models of the forms Belgian entities need to use to submit the Master File, Local File and CbC Report were published in the Belgian Official Gazette. This is the closing stone of the formal introduction of transfer pricing documentation requirements into Belgian tax law. Together with the
Belgium – corporate tax reform announced
In April 2016, the Federal government, in the framework of the agreement on additional budgetary and recovery measures following the 2016 budgetary control exercise, announced a reform of the Belgian corporate income tax (see our news flash on 11 April 2016). In July 2016, the ‘High Finance Council’ has published a report examining the different