Tax Control Framework: be in control of your taxes – and prove it !
With reputational and financial damage at stake, the need to be in control of your taxes and have sound tax risk management is rising rapidly. This transformation is especially important – and also challenging – in a tax landscape where sustainability, regulatory and transparency requirements are continuously evolving.
In this episode, Maarten Temmerman, Annelies Butaye and Nikolaas Tassent talk about how companies can deal with this complexity by implementing a robust tax control framework. They also give insights on how to bring such a tax control framework to life within your organisation.
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More news about
- Corporate income tax
- Customs & VAT
- International taxation
- Personal income tax
- Tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy/Global anti-base erosion (GloBE)
- Tax controversy and dispute resolution (TCDR)
- Transfer pricing