R&D Wage withholding tax exemption – Strict interpretation of start dates confirmed in case law leading to altered interpretation of fiscal authorities
The tax audits with respect to the application of the partial withholding tax exemption for research and development with respect to income year 2021 are ongoing. With recent case law on the subject, two critical elements should be considered during these types of audit. Upfront notification with Belspo Recent case law of the Belgian Court
Tax Treaty concluded between Belgium and Luxembourg – The 24-day limit officially becomes the 34-day limit
In line with the OECD Model Convention, the treaty for the avoidance of double taxation concluded between Belgium and Luxembourg applies the ‘Work State’ principle. This means that a resident of a country working in another country is taxable in the country where the activity is performed. The Work State principle implies that a Belgian
European Commission temporarily relaxes State Aid measures in support of the Green Deal Industrial Plan
The European Commission has approved new measures via the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework (TCTF) in support of the transition towards a net-zero economy. The Commission’s goal is to speed up investment and financing for clean tech production within the Union which, in turn, supports the European Green Deal as well as delivering on specific
Formal adoption of the EU Directive on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation
What has happened? The EU Member States have reached an agreement to implement Pillar 2 to ensure a global minimum taxation for large groups. Political support is confirmed now that Pillar 2 has been enshrined legislatively in an EU Directive which was adopted unanimously by all EU Member States. The Directive should be implemented into
Tax Bites Podcast: Tax certainty in an uncertain world
The recent developments in the tax arena may raise some areas of concern. In this podcast the speakers address some of the recent trends discussed with professor dr. Vikram Chand of the university of Lausanne. About the speakers: Isabel Verlinden Vikram Chand Stefaan De Baets Listen now Missed the previous episodes? You can listen again
Tax Bites Podcast: Looking ahead at tax policy in uncertain times
Patrick Boone and Matthias Reyntjens look ahead to what the next months will bring in terms of economic developments, and what this means for tax policy. They consider how national governments will respond, how businesses can prepare, and the likely impact on taxation. This podcast is the first of a series of podcasts dealing with
PwC’s Workforce Podcast – The 2022 Labour Deal
The 2022 Labour Deal The Chamber of Representatives has voted the Belgian government’s 2022 Labour Deal into law: a set of labour market reforms that introduce increased flexibility and redeployment measures. The goal of these reforms is twofold: improve employees’ work-life balance and increase the employment rate in Belgium to 80% by 2030. Listen to
Cross-border working – the end of COVID-19 tax and social security no-impact measures
PwC and PwC Legal have a preferred relationship. As the clients of PwC and PwC Legal are both confronted with similar challenges in their day-to-day business, experts from PwC and PwC Legal have joined forces in this multidisciplinary newsletter to give their clients a full overview in one publication. The tax and social security measures