Latest news & developments
Filed your transfer pricing documentation in due time?
The Belgian Tax Administration (BTA) has started to send out the letters to eligible taxpayers for missing/late filing of transfer pricing documentation, as the case may be: The country-by-country report (art. 321/2 BITC), The country-by-country report notification (art. 321/3 BITC) The master file (art 321/4 BITC), The local file (art 321/5 BITC). For the first
Screening of foreign direct investments: enhanced government control over the M&A landscape
With the introduction of the new screening mechanism for foreign direct investments the government is enhancing its control over the M&A landscape. Ive Serneels and Stijn Vanbaelen of PwC Legal give a short overview of the scope, procedure and importance for the M&A practice. You can find a link to the full PwC Legal article
PwC’s Workforce Podcast – The 2022 Labour Deal
The 2022 Labour Deal The Chamber of Representatives has voted the Belgian government’s 2022 Labour Deal into law: a set of labour market reforms that introduce increased flexibility and redeployment measures. The goal of these reforms is twofold: improve employees’ work-life balance and increase the employment rate in Belgium to 80% by 2030. Listen to
Enabling the digital transformation for people and businesses through European funding
Digital technology is continuously changing and transforming both the lives of people and businesses. To accelerate this transformation, the European Commission is determined to make this Europe’s “Digital Decade”. Europe must now strengthen its digital sovereignty and set standards, rather than following those of others – with a clear focus on data, technology, and infrastructure.
Belgian Council of Ministers approves draft legislation implementing DAC 7 into Belgium law
On Friday 23 September 2022, the Council of Ministers approved preliminary draft legislation introducing new provisions and technical amendments for administrative cooperation between European member states in the field of taxation. The aim of the proposal is to implement EU Directive 2021/514 on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation, better known as “DAC 7”,
Belgian special tax regime: Royal Decree regarding the content of the form to apply for an extension
Previously, the forms to request the application of the new special tax regime applicable for incoming taxpayers & researchers were already issued. A new Royal Decree of 1 September 2022 (published in the Belgian Monitor on 19 September 2022) provides more information on the content of the form that will have to be used in
Expected notional interest rate deduction
Expected notional interest deduction rate for assessment year 2024 The standard notional interest deduction (NID) rate for assessment year 2024 is expected to amount to 0,943%. For SMEs, the NID rate would be 1,443%. These rates should still be confirmed by a notice published in the Belgian Official Gazette. Less than a month ago, it was officially
How VLAIO translates the Flemish Energy and Climate plan into their funding application requirements
The long term strategy of the EU is to become climate neutral by 2050 by transitioning its economy to become net zero in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As such, the Commission proposed the 2030 Climate Target Plan to raise the EU’s ambition on reducing GHG emissions to at least 55% below 1990 levels by 2030.