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1 July 2021

Important update on payments to tax havens for assessment year 2021

Companies making direct or indirect payments to recipients established in so-called tax havens are required to report these payments where they in total exceed EUR 100,000 during the taxable period. A tax haven is defined as a country that does not effectively or substantially apply the standard on exchange of information on request (so-called OECD

25 June 2021

Workforce Podcast – The future of work: what’s next?

The future of work: what’s next?   The world of work is developing rapidly. The digital revolution had already increased the pace of change, and the impact of COVID-19 has only added fuel to fire. The pandemic showed us that companies are ready and willing to truly embrace flexible and remote working. Indeed, across industries

24 June 2021

Council of Ministers: COVID-19: corona premium in companies

The council of ministers has reached a consensus considering the corona premium in companies. This premium provides that companies that have performed well in the past (corona) year, can give their employees a one-time Corona premium in 2021. The maximum amount is set to EUR 500 per employee and can be granted from the 1st of

24 June 2021

Horizon Europe: Time has come!

After a long wait, the first main calls of Horizon Europe are finally open! If you’re part  of innovation projects led by strategic partnerships and are looking for funding, this programme is made for you. Nonetheless, finding your way through the various calls for projects in Horizon Europe, applying and managing such projects is complex.

24 June 2021

Update COVID-19 and cross-border employment: Agreement with the Netherlands extended

In our newsflash of 12 March 2021 we referred to the extension until 30 June 2021 of the mutual agreement between Belgium and the Netherlands, which includes a “force majeure tolerance” for cross-border workers in relation to government imposed COVID-19 (travel) restrictions.  With ongoing vaccination marathons the end of the global pandemic definitely seems to

24 June 2021

Newsflash – Update foreign real estate

In our newsflashes of 8 December 2020 and 18 March 2021, we referred to the difference in tax treatment for foreign real estate compared to real estate located in Belgium and to the new way of working by attributing a “Belgian cadastral income (kadastraal inkomen / revenu cadastral)” to each foreign real estate. A cadastral

23 June 2021

Update COVID-19 and cross-border employment: Agreement with Germany extended

In our newsflash of 31 March 2021 we referred to the extension until 30 June 2021 of the mutual agreement between Belgium and Germany, which includes a “force majeure tolerance” for cross-border workers in relation to government imposed COVID-19 (travel) restrictions.  While large parts of the population are vaccinated and the end of the global