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19 March 2021

Tax Bites Podcast – Work from anywhere

The tax impact of flexibility With everyone slowly beginning to see the light at the end of the ‘COVID tunnel’, both employers and employees are looking ahead and reimagining the workplace where a new way of working may be a driver in the hunt for talent. Many groups are considering a work from home or

18 March 2021

UK announces delays regarding Customs Border Operating model

The UK announced a delay to the Customs Border Operating model changes due to be implemented on 1 April (Import Licencing) and 1 July 2021 (Delayed Customs Declaration Submission). What does this mean for your business? The pre-notification requirements for Products of Animal Origin (POAO), certain animal by-products (ABP), and High Risk Food Not Of

18 March 2021

Suspension of import tariffs between the EU and the U.S.

On 5 March, the EU and the U.S. communicated a joint statement concerning the mutual suspension for four months of the tariffs related to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Aircraft disputes. The relevant implementing measures were published on 11 March 2021, including the Commission Implementing Regulation 2021/425 stating that the tariffs will be suspended starting on March 11 of

18 March 2021

Cadastral income for properties abroad – update

As mentioned in our Newsflash of 8 December 2020, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) imposed a lump-sum fine and penalties for each day that the Belgian tax authorities would continue to maintain a difference in tax treatment for rental income depending on whether the property is located in Belgium or abroad. In order to

17 March 2021

VAT group : VAT on services provided by head-office to fixed establishment / branch

The CJEU confirmed the application of the reverse-Skandia principle: a branch is a separate VAT taxable person from its head-office when the head-office is a member of a VAT group in another EU Member State (CJEU, C-812/19, 11 March 2021). This approach was already applied in Belgium. However, some EU Member States were not recognizing

2 March 2021

UK Border Operating Model – Be ready for 1 April 2021

As of the first of April 2021, stage 2 of the Border Operating Model will start. Goods subject to Sanitary and Phytosanitary controls will have additional requirements put on them when imported into the UK. What does this mean for your business? For the import of these kinds of products as of the first of