Latest news & developments
Benefit in kind – Private use of a company car: updated formula for 2022
The Royal Decree implementing the new reference CO2 emission for calculating the taxable benefit in kind for the private use of a company car in the hands of company directors and employees has been published in the Official Gazette on 13 December 2021. For income year 2022, the following CO2 emission will be applied to
Update COVID-19 and cross-border employment: Agreements with France and Luxembourg: extended until 31 March 2022
With reference to our previous newsflashes regarding this topic, the idea behind the COVID-19 agreements lies in the fiction that salaried workers who work from home due to travel restrictions remain taxable in the state where they previously exercised their professional activity before the outbreak of the corona crisis. However, this tax fiction strictly applies
Consider direct tax requirements and opportunities at year-end
As the year-end is now rapidly approaching, this newsflash lists some corporate tax compliance formalities and attention points still to be considered in the remaining weeks of 2021. 20 December – Final call for advance tax payments for assessment year 2022 Companies with a year-end closing on 31 December 2021 can still make an advance tax
Changes to the Belgian expat tax regime – draft law filed in parliament
On December 1st, the Belgian government formally filed draft legislation in parliament regarding i.a. changes to the Belgian expat tax regime (see our heads-up article published on 15 October). The draft legislation is very likely up for formal vote by the end of this month. The essential characteristics of the draft legislation can be summarised
New call Green Power! Support for solar panels and wind turbines
The Flemish Energy and Climate Agency (VEKA) has launched a new project call to support companies and organisations investing in new solar panels and wind turbines in order to accelerate the green energy transition in the Flemish region. The solar panels should be PV (photovoltaic) installations with inverter power from 40 kW to 2 MW
Public Country-by-Country Reporting Directive enters into force soon
With our newsflash of 16 November 2021, we informed you of the formal approval of the public country-by-country reporting (PCbCR) directive on 11 November 2021. The directive is published in the Official Journal of the EU on 1 December 2021; it enters into force on the 20th day after its publication. Member states must introduce
Workforce Podcast – Organizational culture as a critical asset
Organizational culture as a critical asset The culture and purpose of your organisation can be a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining people. It is important to know that copying a culture from another high performing company simply does not work, every company’s cultural situation is as unique as a fingerprint. But how can you
Rebuild sustainable european economies post-covid: European Long-Term Investment Funds v.2 in the making
On 25 November, the European Commission published a proposal amending Regulation (EU) 2015/760 on European long-term investment funds (ELTIF). It is published together with a series of documents, including an Impact Assessment Report. Context of the proposal The ELTIF regulatory framework was adopted in 2015 and created a new investment fund vehicle intended to facilitate