Latest news & developments
Cross-border employment Belgium-Luxembourg: “24-days” rule becomes “34-days” rule
In our newsflash of 20 June 2019, we referred to the negotiations regarding the double tax treaty concluded between Belgium and Luxembourg, with respect to the taxation of individuals working in a cross-border context and more specifically on the possible relaxation of the existing tolerance of 24 days. On 31 August 2021, the Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo
The reconstitution reserve allows to exempt profits from corporate tax
The so-called reconstitution reserve is part of the additional economic, tax and financial measures to soften the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and supports companies to restore their equity level and safeguard sufficient cash flow and solvability in the years to come. Covid-loss, future profits, how does it work in practice? The reconstitution reserve
Implementing rules to the tax on securities accounts
The royal decree of 6 August 2021 with regard to the declaration, payment and various rules relating to the annual tax on securities accounts has been published on 23 August 2021. It directly enters into force. It provides for the following: The rules for electronic filing of tax returns (and, alternatively, paper filing) and payment
Belgian tax on securities accounts: Belgian insurers are on the offensive
On 16 August 2021, Assuralia, the Belgian professional union of insurance undertakings introduced an action for partial annulment of article 4 of the law of 17 February 2021 (Official Journal of 25 February 2021) introducing an annual Tax on Securities Accounts (TSA) in the Belgian Code of Various Duties and Taxes (CVDT). The role number
PwC’s podcast voor de (semi)publieke sector – Nieuwe btw-regels in de zorg: impact voor de ziekenhuizen
De nieuwe regeling die de btw-vrijstelling voor medische zorg fors inperkt, zal in werking treden op 1 januari volgend jaar. De nieuwe wetgeving zal ook een impact hebben op het btw-statuut van onze ziekenhuizen. Zij zullen hun diensten enkel nog van btw kunnen vrijstellen als er een therapeutisch doel aan verbonden is. In deze aflevering
UBO obligations – Time to take action – Deadline 31 August 2021
In our previous newsflash, we already informed you about the new (disclosure) obligations in the UBO-register imposed by the Royal Decree of 23 September 2020. The Federal Public Service Finance (FPSF) has announced that the deadline (i.e. 30 April 2021) for uploading supporting documents and annual confirmation of the information in the UBO Register will be
Update: transposition of CRD V and EBA Guidelines
In our Newsflash dated 21 June 2021, we informed you about the definitive version of the draft law transposing CRD V into Belgian banking law. The Belgian law of 11 July 2021 implementing EU financial directives (CRD V; BRR2; IFD; Solvency II) finally transposed CRD V into our Belgian arsenal. In the meantime, the EBA
Sustainability disclosures to be applicable to small-size AIFMs
On 26 July 2021, the European Commission published its answers to a number of questions raised by the European Supervisory Authorities (ESMA – EBA – EIOPA, together the “ESAs”) regarding the application of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”). One of the questions concerned the application of the SFDR to registered alternative investment fund managers