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23 November 2021

Cadastral income for properties abroad – Final call

As mentioned in our Newsflash of 18th March 2021, following the decision of the European Court of Justice, the Belgian tax authorities have sent a questionnaire to many taxpayers, in order to gather specific information which will allow them to attribute a value/cadastral income to foreign properties.   In case the properties abroad were owned before 1 January

22 November 2021

PwC’s podcast voor de (semi)publieke sector – IT-strategie bij (lokale) overheden

Lokale besturen worden geconfronteerd met heel wat uitdagingen op het vlak van ICT en digitalisatie. Enerzijds worden de verwachtingen van de burger in termen van een wendbare, efficiënte en digitale overheid alsmaar groter. Daarbij komt nog de druk op de budgetten. Anderzijds biedt digitalisatie – naast andere technologieën – tal van kansen en mogelijkheden. Deze

16 November 2021

Public Country-by-Country Reporting adopted

Introduction On 11 November 2021, the European Parliament adopted the Directive on public country-by-country reporting (PCbCR). The adoption of this directive concludes the procedure (see earlier newsflash) on the introduction of specific European transparency rules and requires certain European or non-European multinational groups or standalone undertakings to publicly disclose certain financial data. Content of the

16 November 2021

Draft law organising the fiscal and social greening of mobility – Amendments

As indicated in our newsflash of 16 September 2021, it was agreed in the government declaration to adapt the tax and social legislation around mobility to stimulate the green agenda. On 19 october amendments were made to the draft law, which were adopted by the Finance Commissions on 26 October and approved in the Plenary

9 November 2021

Belgian Minister of Finance confirms intention to mandate B2B e-invoicing

In his policy note, the Belgian Minister of Finance, Mr Van Peteghem, confirmed the intention to gradually make electronic invoicing mandatory for businesses-to-business (B2B) transactions. The measure is aimed at reducing the Belgian VAT gap, which is the difference between the expected VAT revenues and the VAT revenues that are effectively collected. For the year

8 November 2021

Tax Bites Podcast: Update on China Tax Policy

Recorded before the release of the 8 October Inclusive Framework Statement, we share perspectives on the current state of play for in- and outbound investments in China. Our speakers cover the main corporate income tax aspects, as well as insights on the China tax policy developments, including the main attributes that shape a sustainable tax